Whoever thinks you are dark never knew you... you are a fucking colorful person. Sometimes one needs to remain silent and that may sound mysterious, but she is figuring out the world inside her.... and have no need to share that kind of intimacy with everyone. Just with who shares it with her. She is a builder, a traveler, a lover, a curious being. A daughter, a friend, and a restless romantic, an artist in her soul. Who works backstage with passion. Everyone should look themselves in the mirror once in a while... we need to express ourselves in order to survive, create for you, and for other. Talk with others, engage in conversations with them and with your internal self; talking about others it is a waste of time, means you have not much to say about you and stops you from evolving... whatever you do stay vulnerable and determinated.... in order to evolve. Sorround yourself by beautiful things and beautiful people, don't give a fuck about closed minds... and listen to opened minds carefully and with wit expende ears... people make a place.... sigh out for quality... not quantity. Peace out

Maria De Olaortua